Saturday, November 3, 2007
Hello people! Your naggy v-chair here.
now just to put down some dates that all of you should take note of:
Trial Bake-out @ Kester's: 6th December 2007, 11am
Just-in-case trial Bake-out II @ Kester's: 7th December 2007, 11am
THE Bake-out @ Kester's and Sarah's: 2nd January 2008
Seed Fund sale dates: 3rd, 4th and 5th January 2008
Lets work out asses off together people! The heads of each sector, i.e. Seed Fund, Food and games, please keep the chair updated about your progress in planning! =)))
We'll meet soon!
Remember to do your Econs essays which are due on the 15th Novemeber 2007!!!!!!!!Labels: Fun-o-rama
2:24 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
ACGames07 Updates.

That's why we will always win,
Cuz they're Games, are OOOOOOO-VER.
I, Mark Cheng, Class Chairperson for 2007, hereby decree that this (random, and rubbish) song be our class anthem during ACGames07. WHOO way to motivate the class, baby! Haha Okay back to more serious (yet not-so-serious) business. For the ACGames07, I've picked the only five games that the class voted by majority of participation, and they are:
1. Stargate
2. Bench Ball
3. Ultimate Frisbee
4. Captain's Ball
5. Floorball
Which, you should already know about, if your Guardians from the Class Comm has sent you the 1AA1RELAY: message (in which case, they already have, so that means you've already been informed of this fact). Now, let me take this time to reiterate that the purpose of our participation in ACGames07 is to bond as a class, and to have one chance to show the world that WE'RE NOT EFFING BIMBOS/HIMBOS WHO SCREAM AND SHOUT WHENEVER A BALL IS THROWN AT US. =) As such, I will ensure that every person in class plays at least one game and at the same time, ensure that no one plays more than four games. Everyone will be made to play, so you might as well have fun, because it will most definitely be fun when we trash all the other lamo classes.
Yes, so after very careful consideration, the follwing people are playing for the following games, based on their initial choice of game, and also on their proficiency in the game (because after all, we DO want to win, right?) In which case, the latter is redundant, because we're all damn pro in everything we do and we'll just humilliate the other classes anyway. So yeah:
(Captains are in purple highlights)
1. Joahanna
2. Cassidy
3. Janine
4. Nicole Tew
5. Edlyn
6. Jasmin
7. Beverly
8. Sam Power
9. Ning
10. Sui Ying
R. Mark
R. Kester
1. Ning
2. Jasmin
3. Sui Ying
4. Janine
5. Heather
6. Pauline
7. Rajes
8. Clarice
9. Gabriel
10. Javier
R. Edlyn
R. Jac
1. Joahanna
2. Cas!
3. Sam Tan
4. Sarah Wan
5. Nicole Tew
6. Javier
7. Gabriel
8. Kester
9. Teck Jin
10. Mark
R. Yimmy
R. Bev
1. Bev
2. Jasmin
3. Edlyn
4. Pauline
5. Sarah Wan
6. Kester
R. Heather
R. Mark
1. Janine
2. Jac
3. Yimmy
4. Sam Tan
5. Cas!
6. Teck Jin
R. Sam Power
R. Kester
Yup, that's about it. We're going to have a fun game, and really, we're going to trash all the other teams man. So by right - and sms me to correct me if I'm wrong - I've arranged for everyone to play at least two games, with the exceptions of Kester, Sarah Wan, Janine and Mark for the simple reason that I've no other choice but to ask two of them to play extra games due to the fact that twenty-three people in our class is not divisible by 5 games - at least, not decently. Yeah? Awesome.
Yes yawn. It's 2.45am now. Mark is sleepy. Have fun guys and please work hard for the upcoming Promos. We'll all pull through as one class - as truly, ONE AA1 graduating together. Goodnight guys.
10:46 AM
Monday, July 30, 2007
A little dusting
Hi people. I'm just here to make sure that the blog hasn't gone rusty yet. And of coz I have something to blog about, which most probably none of you will read it unless you're told since NO ONE comes to this blog at all.
Anyway, first things first, these are the answers to the Maths Assignment for all the H2 Maths students

Click the pictures to enlarge! =)
Secondly, you guys must have received the sms from the comm members who were tasked to pass down information from Mark. So just to clear things up, this is how the chart works
Mark will send to :
From there,
Beverly will send to:
Edlyn will send to:
Sam Choo
Sam Tan
Yun Ning
Jasmin will send to:
Sarah will send to:
Yim Kuan
Javier (that's me) will send to:
Sui Ying
Yep. So thats how information will be passed around the class in future. Some of them might require the need to refer to the class blog so don't forget this darling!
Love, Javier.
7:39 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Hi aa1!!!!
Here to wish you guys
Hope ya'll are studying reaaalllllllly hard!
One more week to just one week of exams and OVER!!!
go aa1 - the best is yet to be (indeed!)
love, jas
3:50 AM
Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hey guys I know I haven't been around the class in ages and I've been rather temperamental lately, and I'm really sorry. Sorry to Edlyn for making her mark all your attendances these past few days. I feel bad about making you do my job. Ah well, I'll get over it.
Contrary to popular belief, I haven't been PON-ning school. I am a very good boy and I do do my work and hand them up ON TIME.
*Takes this moment to glare at the PW TEACHERS, for greater emphasis.*
I have been slogging my ass off, trying to make sure my lovely J2s have a smooth examination. I'd like to think that i'm losing weight doing this, but I highly doubt that sitting around, sleeping, and eating raisin bread will do anything to burn any fats off my love handles. Seriously, some degree of sweeping can only burn so few calories. But I love every minute of it, and atthe same time dread every minute I spend away from class. Like, HOW CAN ALL YOU PEOPLE LIVE WITHOUT ME?!
*Bimbo moment*
Well, on a more serious note, in retrospect, I'm very proud to say that I'm happy to see skirts slightly longer than they used to be. A little longer would be perfect, but other than that, on a more enthusisatic level, I'm happy to announce that our class has A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT COUNCIL-RUNNER-WANNABE.
*Holds up placcard with 'APPLAUSE FOR DELISA' written on it*
It's safe to say that I can wish Del on behalf of the whole class, all the best. Whatever the outcome, you're now our unofficial DISCIPLINE IN-CHARGE. =)
APPLAUSE>>>>>>>>> xD
Guys (refers to the whole class), I'm so happy that we're all more bonded. We're truly ONE AA1. As in, we're one entity? We're one group of people? We're united? We're integrated? We've achieved cohesion? We've destroyed segregation? Aiyah you get my point.
AW........ <3 ......... =)
We've truly bonded as a class, I'm very proud to say.
7:19 AM
Friday, April 27, 2007
Ok .. it seems a bit overdue but....
Congratulations people! From a bronze to gold with honours, you have danced your heart out and now you are reaping your due rewards!!!
Anyway, since Restless is coming out, I think its going to be a smashing performance ya? We should all be honoured that we have Gold with Honours dancers to perform for us no?
Oh and of course not to forget the other dancers from AA1 who did not get to participate for SYF this year, I'm sure with your talents and passion for dancing you will also put up a splendid performance for us during Restless.
The best is yet to be.
8:47 PM
if we hold on together!
if we hold on together,
i know our dreams will never die...
dreams stay true till forever...
ok. i sounded damn dumb right?
the purpose of this post is as follows. =D
The Detestables
(a) GPP GPP GPP GPP GPP! *pain in the @#%#*
(b) tests tests tests tests
(c) assignments
(d) tons of G.E and BNW texts
(e) CCA peak periods - no time no time
it seems endless.i don't think these are the only 5 things which disturb us real bad.
it's always hard, no one said it was easy. but when we suffer, we suffer together.
and when we succeed, we succeed together as well. THAT is the AA1 spirit!
we hang in there ya! we face up to (a)-(e) with whatever swearwordsfingerstoesgestures, HOPE and FAITH.
and not just that, know that even if it's tough now. it'll all be OVER. it WILL pass, and we WILL persevere - through rainwindstormhurricanestsunamis or any sort of disaster (like having a whole JUNGLE pouring down on us.. know JUNGLE..synonym..ahem ahem..).
we will make it guys. just as long as we work hard and don't think about how the short-term pain is totally unbearable, but think about how all these will make you a stronger and better person/friend/student or millionaire. =D
aa1, hold on together!
p.s. $5 on monday hor... hehe.. - loanshark 101
10:46 AM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Hello people! Your naggy v-chair here.
now just to put down some dates that all of you should take note of:
Trial Bake-out @ Kester's: 6th December 2007, 11am
Just-in-case trial Bake-out II @ Kester's: 7th December 2007, 11am
THE Bake-out @ Kester's and Sarah's: 2nd January 2008
Seed Fund sale dates: 3rd, 4th and 5th January 2008
Lets work out asses off together people! The heads of each sector, i.e. Seed Fund, Food and games, please keep the chair updated about your progress in planning! =)))
We'll meet soon!
Remember to do your Econs essays which are due on the 15th Novemeber 2007!!!!!!!!Labels: Fun-o-rama
2:24 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
ACGames07 Updates.

That's why we will always win,
Cuz they're Games, are OOOOOOO-VER.
I, Mark Cheng, Class Chairperson for 2007, hereby decree that this (random, and rubbish) song be our class anthem during ACGames07. WHOO way to motivate the class, baby! Haha Okay back to more serious (yet not-so-serious) business. For the ACGames07, I've picked the only five games that the class voted by majority of participation, and they are:
1. Stargate
2. Bench Ball
3. Ultimate Frisbee
4. Captain's Ball
5. Floorball
Which, you should already know about, if your Guardians from the Class Comm has sent you the 1AA1RELAY: message (in which case, they already have, so that means you've already been informed of this fact). Now, let me take this time to reiterate that the purpose of our participation in ACGames07 is to bond as a class, and to have one chance to show the world that WE'RE NOT EFFING BIMBOS/HIMBOS WHO SCREAM AND SHOUT WHENEVER A BALL IS THROWN AT US. =) As such, I will ensure that every person in class plays at least one game and at the same time, ensure that no one plays more than four games. Everyone will be made to play, so you might as well have fun, because it will most definitely be fun when we trash all the other lamo classes.
Yes, so after very careful consideration, the follwing people are playing for the following games, based on their initial choice of game, and also on their proficiency in the game (because after all, we DO want to win, right?) In which case, the latter is redundant, because we're all damn pro in everything we do and we'll just humilliate the other classes anyway. So yeah:
(Captains are in purple highlights)
1. Joahanna
2. Cassidy
3. Janine
4. Nicole Tew
5. Edlyn
6. Jasmin
7. Beverly
8. Sam Power
9. Ning
10. Sui Ying
R. Mark
R. Kester
1. Ning
2. Jasmin
3. Sui Ying
4. Janine
5. Heather
6. Pauline
7. Rajes
8. Clarice
9. Gabriel
10. Javier
R. Edlyn
R. Jac
1. Joahanna
2. Cas!
3. Sam Tan
4. Sarah Wan
5. Nicole Tew
6. Javier
7. Gabriel
8. Kester
9. Teck Jin
10. Mark
R. Yimmy
R. Bev
1. Bev
2. Jasmin
3. Edlyn
4. Pauline
5. Sarah Wan
6. Kester
R. Heather
R. Mark
1. Janine
2. Jac
3. Yimmy
4. Sam Tan
5. Cas!
6. Teck Jin
R. Sam Power
R. Kester
Yup, that's about it. We're going to have a fun game, and really, we're going to trash all the other teams man. So by right - and sms me to correct me if I'm wrong - I've arranged for everyone to play at least two games, with the exceptions of Kester, Sarah Wan, Janine and Mark for the simple reason that I've no other choice but to ask two of them to play extra games due to the fact that twenty-three people in our class is not divisible by 5 games - at least, not decently. Yeah? Awesome.
Yes yawn. It's 2.45am now. Mark is sleepy. Have fun guys and please work hard for the upcoming Promos. We'll all pull through as one class - as truly, ONE AA1 graduating together. Goodnight guys.
10:46 AM
Monday, July 30, 2007
A little dusting
Hi people. I'm just here to make sure that the blog hasn't gone rusty yet. And of coz I have something to blog about, which most probably none of you will read it unless you're told since NO ONE comes to this blog at all.
Anyway, first things first, these are the answers to the Maths Assignment for all the H2 Maths students

Click the pictures to enlarge! =)
Secondly, you guys must have received the sms from the comm members who were tasked to pass down information from Mark. So just to clear things up, this is how the chart works
Mark will send to :
From there,
Beverly will send to:
Edlyn will send to:
Sam Choo
Sam Tan
Yun Ning
Jasmin will send to:
Sarah will send to:
Yim Kuan
Javier (that's me) will send to:
Sui Ying
Yep. So thats how information will be passed around the class in future. Some of them might require the need to refer to the class blog so don't forget this darling!
Love, Javier.
7:39 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Hi aa1!!!!
Here to wish you guys
Hope ya'll are studying reaaalllllllly hard!
One more week to just one week of exams and OVER!!!
go aa1 - the best is yet to be (indeed!)
love, jas
3:50 AM
Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hey guys I know I haven't been around the class in ages and I've been rather temperamental lately, and I'm really sorry. Sorry to Edlyn for making her mark all your attendances these past few days. I feel bad about making you do my job. Ah well, I'll get over it.
Contrary to popular belief, I haven't been PON-ning school. I am a very good boy and I do do my work and hand them up ON TIME.
*Takes this moment to glare at the PW TEACHERS, for greater emphasis.*
I have been slogging my ass off, trying to make sure my lovely J2s have a smooth examination. I'd like to think that i'm losing weight doing this, but I highly doubt that sitting around, sleeping, and eating raisin bread will do anything to burn any fats off my love handles. Seriously, some degree of sweeping can only burn so few calories. But I love every minute of it, and atthe same time dread every minute I spend away from class. Like, HOW CAN ALL YOU PEOPLE LIVE WITHOUT ME?!
*Bimbo moment*
Well, on a more serious note, in retrospect, I'm very proud to say that I'm happy to see skirts slightly longer than they used to be. A little longer would be perfect, but other than that, on a more enthusisatic level, I'm happy to announce that our class has A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT COUNCIL-RUNNER-WANNABE.
*Holds up placcard with 'APPLAUSE FOR DELISA' written on it*
It's safe to say that I can wish Del on behalf of the whole class, all the best. Whatever the outcome, you're now our unofficial DISCIPLINE IN-CHARGE. =)
APPLAUSE>>>>>>>>> xD
Guys (refers to the whole class), I'm so happy that we're all more bonded. We're truly ONE AA1. As in, we're one entity? We're one group of people? We're united? We're integrated? We've achieved cohesion? We've destroyed segregation? Aiyah you get my point.
AW........ <3 ......... =)
We've truly bonded as a class, I'm very proud to say.
7:19 AM
Friday, April 27, 2007
Ok .. it seems a bit overdue but....
Congratulations people! From a bronze to gold with honours, you have danced your heart out and now you are reaping your due rewards!!!
Anyway, since Restless is coming out, I think its going to be a smashing performance ya? We should all be honoured that we have Gold with Honours dancers to perform for us no?
Oh and of course not to forget the other dancers from AA1 who did not get to participate for SYF this year, I'm sure with your talents and passion for dancing you will also put up a splendid performance for us during Restless.
The best is yet to be.
8:47 PM
if we hold on together!
if we hold on together,
i know our dreams will never die...
dreams stay true till forever...
ok. i sounded damn dumb right?
the purpose of this post is as follows. =D
The Detestables
(a) GPP GPP GPP GPP GPP! *pain in the @#%#*
(b) tests tests tests tests
(c) assignments
(d) tons of G.E and BNW texts
(e) CCA peak periods - no time no time
it seems endless.i don't think these are the only 5 things which disturb us real bad.
it's always hard, no one said it was easy. but when we suffer, we suffer together.
and when we succeed, we succeed together as well. THAT is the AA1 spirit!
we hang in there ya! we face up to (a)-(e) with whatever swearwordsfingerstoesgestures, HOPE and FAITH.
and not just that, know that even if it's tough now. it'll all be OVER. it WILL pass, and we WILL persevere - through rainwindstormhurricanestsunamis or any sort of disaster (like having a whole JUNGLE pouring down on us.. know JUNGLE..synonym..ahem ahem..).
we will make it guys. just as long as we work hard and don't think about how the short-term pain is totally unbearable, but think about how all these will make you a stronger and better person/friend/student or millionaire. =D
aa1, hold on together!
p.s. $5 on monday hor... hehe.. - loanshark 101
10:46 AM