Saturday, September 1, 2007
ACGames07 Updates.

That's why we will always win,
Cuz they're Games, are OOOOOOO-VER.
I, Mark Cheng, Class Chairperson for 2007, hereby decree that this (random, and rubbish) song be our class anthem during ACGames07. WHOO way to motivate the class, baby! Haha Okay back to more serious (yet not-so-serious) business. For the ACGames07, I've picked the only five games that the class voted by majority of participation, and they are:
1. Stargate
2. Bench Ball
3. Ultimate Frisbee
4. Captain's Ball
5. Floorball
Which, you should already know about, if your Guardians from the Class Comm has sent you the 1AA1RELAY: message (in which case, they already have, so that means you've already been informed of this fact). Now, let me take this time to reiterate that the purpose of our participation in ACGames07 is to bond as a class, and to have one chance to show the world that WE'RE NOT EFFING BIMBOS/HIMBOS WHO SCREAM AND SHOUT WHENEVER A BALL IS THROWN AT US. =) As such, I will ensure that every person in class plays at least one game and at the same time, ensure that no one plays more than four games. Everyone will be made to play, so you might as well have fun, because it will most definitely be fun when we trash all the other lamo classes.
Yes, so after very careful consideration, the follwing people are playing for the following games, based on their initial choice of game, and also on their proficiency in the game (because after all, we DO want to win, right?) In which case, the latter is redundant, because we're all damn pro in everything we do and we'll just humilliate the other classes anyway. So yeah:
(Captains are in purple highlights)
1. Joahanna
2. Cassidy
3. Janine
4. Nicole Tew
5. Edlyn
6. Jasmin
7. Beverly
8. Sam Power
9. Ning
10. Sui Ying
R. Mark
R. Kester
1. Ning
2. Jasmin
3. Sui Ying
4. Janine
5. Heather
6. Pauline
7. Rajes
8. Clarice
9. Gabriel
10. Javier
R. Edlyn
R. Jac
1. Joahanna
2. Cas!
3. Sam Tan
4. Sarah Wan
5. Nicole Tew
6. Javier
7. Gabriel
8. Kester
9. Teck Jin
10. Mark
R. Yimmy
R. Bev
1. Bev
2. Jasmin
3. Edlyn
4. Pauline
5. Sarah Wan
6. Kester
R. Heather
R. Mark
1. Janine
2. Jac
3. Yimmy
4. Sam Tan
5. Cas!
6. Teck Jin
R. Sam Power
R. Kester
Yup, that's about it. We're going to have a fun game, and really, we're going to trash all the other teams man. So by right - and sms me to correct me if I'm wrong - I've arranged for everyone to play at least two games, with the exceptions of Kester, Sarah Wan, Janine and Mark for the simple reason that I've no other choice but to ask two of them to play extra games due to the fact that twenty-three people in our class is not divisible by 5 games - at least, not decently. Yeah? Awesome.
Yes yawn. It's 2.45am now. Mark is sleepy. Have fun guys and please work hard for the upcoming Promos. We'll all pull through as one class - as truly, ONE AA1 graduating together. Goodnight guys.
10:46 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
ACGames07 Updates.

That's why we will always win,
Cuz they're Games, are OOOOOOO-VER.
I, Mark Cheng, Class Chairperson for 2007, hereby decree that this (random, and rubbish) song be our class anthem during ACGames07. WHOO way to motivate the class, baby! Haha Okay back to more serious (yet not-so-serious) business. For the ACGames07, I've picked the only five games that the class voted by majority of participation, and they are:
1. Stargate
2. Bench Ball
3. Ultimate Frisbee
4. Captain's Ball
5. Floorball
Which, you should already know about, if your Guardians from the Class Comm has sent you the 1AA1RELAY: message (in which case, they already have, so that means you've already been informed of this fact). Now, let me take this time to reiterate that the purpose of our participation in ACGames07 is to bond as a class, and to have one chance to show the world that WE'RE NOT EFFING BIMBOS/HIMBOS WHO SCREAM AND SHOUT WHENEVER A BALL IS THROWN AT US. =) As such, I will ensure that every person in class plays at least one game and at the same time, ensure that no one plays more than four games. Everyone will be made to play, so you might as well have fun, because it will most definitely be fun when we trash all the other lamo classes.
Yes, so after very careful consideration, the follwing people are playing for the following games, based on their initial choice of game, and also on their proficiency in the game (because after all, we DO want to win, right?) In which case, the latter is redundant, because we're all damn pro in everything we do and we'll just humilliate the other classes anyway. So yeah:
(Captains are in purple highlights)
1. Joahanna
2. Cassidy
3. Janine
4. Nicole Tew
5. Edlyn
6. Jasmin
7. Beverly
8. Sam Power
9. Ning
10. Sui Ying
R. Mark
R. Kester
1. Ning
2. Jasmin
3. Sui Ying
4. Janine
5. Heather
6. Pauline
7. Rajes
8. Clarice
9. Gabriel
10. Javier
R. Edlyn
R. Jac
1. Joahanna
2. Cas!
3. Sam Tan
4. Sarah Wan
5. Nicole Tew
6. Javier
7. Gabriel
8. Kester
9. Teck Jin
10. Mark
R. Yimmy
R. Bev
1. Bev
2. Jasmin
3. Edlyn
4. Pauline
5. Sarah Wan
6. Kester
R. Heather
R. Mark
1. Janine
2. Jac
3. Yimmy
4. Sam Tan
5. Cas!
6. Teck Jin
R. Sam Power
R. Kester
Yup, that's about it. We're going to have a fun game, and really, we're going to trash all the other teams man. So by right - and sms me to correct me if I'm wrong - I've arranged for everyone to play at least two games, with the exceptions of Kester, Sarah Wan, Janine and Mark for the simple reason that I've no other choice but to ask two of them to play extra games due to the fact that twenty-three people in our class is not divisible by 5 games - at least, not decently. Yeah? Awesome.
Yes yawn. It's 2.45am now. Mark is sleepy. Have fun guys and please work hard for the upcoming Promos. We'll all pull through as one class - as truly, ONE AA1 graduating together. Goodnight guys.
10:46 AM